Preparing Your Vehicle to Take on the Summer
The needs of your vehicle change with the seasons. When it starts to snow, you may consider swapping your all-season tires for winter tires; and you’ll have your four-wheel drive checked. When the snow is melting and spring rains begin, it’s a good time to replace your windshield wipers. In the summer, you need to prepare your car or truck for high temperatures. We go over 5 Summer Auto Maintenance Tips below; keep reading to learn more!
If you’re looking for a trustworthy Auto Shop in Burlington, Wisconsin for summer auto maintenance, Wisco Automotive is an incredible choice. Our local mechanics are ready and eager to help you. Call us at 262-767-9393 to schedule an appointment today!

5 Tips for Summer Auto Care

1. Keep Up With Regular Oil Changes
The importance of changing the oil in your vehicle cannot be stressed enough. This is especially true when your vehicle has to perform in high-stress situations (like freezing temperatures or extreme heat). You can find out oil change information specific to your vehicle in the owner’s manual, including how often to change your oil and what type of motor oil is best. Typically, conventional oil needs to be changed every 3,000 – 5,000 miles while synthetic oil can last 7,500 miles or longer.

2. Get Your Car Battery Tested
High temperatures can seriously affect your battery, so make sure it’s up to snuff before extreme heat hits. If it gets hot enough, and it often gets hot enough during summers in Wisconsin, your battery’s charge can be weakened. If your battery is already low, you may find yourself stuck on the side of the road. Additionally, heat can corrode internal components. We recommend having your battery checked during your summer maintenance appointment.

3. Time for a Radiator Checkup
Your vehicle has been working hard all winter. Avoid overheating and ensure a healthy engine with a radiator checkup. Ask your mechanic if your cooling system should be flushed as well.
4. A Working A/C is a Must for Vehicle Comfort
There’s nothing worse than a malfunctioning car AC in the heat of summer, especially since Wisconsin summers are so humid. As your mechanic to check that your AC is properly running and prepared to take on summer.

5. Don’t Forget Tire Care
In the winter, you pay special attention to your tires to ensure you have good traction on snow and ice. In the summer, you want to prepare for slick roads from rain. Check the treads on your tires and talk to your mechanic about tire rotation to keep your tires wearing evenly. You’ll also want to pay close attention to tire pressures. Properly inflated tires will help maximize vehicle performance and safety.